Virtual Classes

Folk Fitness Virtual brings the fun and community of interactive classes right to your doorstep. Your workout routine can thrive when you have the convenience and accountability to meet your goals from the comfort of your home.


Imagine…finding a workout tribe, even while stuck at home.

“Doing the virtual bootcamp classes with Folk Fitness during the COVID-19 quarantine has been such an important part of staying sane - gathering remotely each morning fills my need to be social, to check in with the outside world, and to recognize I am not alone. Niki has some great workouts that keep me challenged and healthy. These are great things during this crazy time. I totally recommend Folk Fitness and the virtual bootcamp. Come join us!”
— Benji Jones

What if...

  • Caring for others doesn’t have to mean skimping on yourself?

  • You could start the day talking and laughing with others?

  • Your workout solution is a click of a button away?

It’s time to stop feeling Stressed, alone, and stuck at home: getting fit is no longer too far away, too lonely, or too boring!


Current classes:

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Total Body Blast:

Tuesday & Thursday, 7:45-8:30amEST

Get ready to sweat, and all at your own pace! These classes offer a mix of total body strength, cardio, and core work. Strength training at least two times per week is vital to overall fitness, maintaining muscle, and a host of other health benefits. High- and low-impact options are given so that you can work in the way that works best for YOU.


Friday, 7:45-8:30amEST

Want a full-body workout but without the high intensity bursts? Join our “shoes off” Friday class, where we combine a strength workout with feel-good mobility moves.

Our virtual community:

My major problem with finding an exercise routine has been child care. I am either with my kids or at work 100% of the time, but virtual training completely takes the need for child care out of the equation. I could do another form of streaming workout, but there is zero accountability in that. Doing virtual training means I have committed to a class time and someone is expecting me to show up for it, even though that just means walking down to my living room and turning on the computer. It literally takes me only the 45 minutes for the workout - no driving or standing around after class chatting!
— Jennifer Sharpe